Monday 11 January 2016

Part time cikgu at kelas cikgu mariyam

 Hi semua! So today's entry is about my experience working at KCM (kelas Cikgu Mariyam). Well.. This is not a good experience for the teacher!!

Ok first of all, i got this job by submit entries kat online website for tuition in Malaysia as a teacher. Then after few weeks kcm called me! They ask me what subject I can teach and all and after that, I got accepted to work there.

So I told KCM that I only can work for like 2-3 weeks not more than that cause i jad to fly to somewhere else. And they agreed. So I ajar student UPSR and standard 2, it was fun tho! Student cute2 and active, i like it. 

I left when the time has come. So I tanya the staff kat counter tu, usually gaji cikgu masuk bila? Diorg kata at the end of the month, and I was like ok.. Ye la i dont expect to receive my payment early. But just imagine today is 11.1.2016 and I left kcm on 28.5.2015. Almost 8 months already. Where is my money?!? 

Memang until now takde update no anything, i called them. Branch kcm yang i ajar tu dah tutup. But hq still buka. Bila call diorang cakap dah hantar details kt account department. Bila call lagi sekali, tak angkat. Hmm rasa macam kena tipu.

So kesimpulanya, jangan la apply kerja kat kcm mana mana. Gaji tunggu lagi 10 tahu kot. -pissed off


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